Written Sermons |
The Basics of Salvation
God’s will is for all of us to walk in His righteousness and that good works follow us. The bible makes it clear good works alone cannot save us apart from faith in Jesus Christ but once the blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin, good works will surely follow. We bring forth the fruit that is evident in one who has partaken in the holiness of God. Ephesians 2:10 says that we are "We are created in Christ Jesus for good works. We are even ordained that we should walk in them". Notice that verse one said that before Christ, we are dead in trespasses and sins. We were lost, on the way to a burning hell without God and without hope. There is none that does good, no not one of us. We were hopeless, in despair, our sins separating us from a Holy Just God. There was nothing we could possibly do to save ourselves from the mess we were in. We walked according to the prince and power of the air who is Satan himself; we were in bondage the same as if chains were covering us from head to toe. There was no escape. Satan could laugh at us and mock and do all he can to keep us from obtaining salvation and help from God. While we were in this state of a lost condition, we were loved by that Holy God that created us. He saw us in our sin and gave to us a way out. God wants us to have eternal life and live forever. He wants us to be free and stay free. It is not His will that any should perish. Yet the law of God declares that the soul that sins, it shall die. Death of course means eternal death in hell for all natural men and women suffer physical death. The soul that sins shall be eternally separated from God in a place called hell. This was our state before God sent Jesus Christ His own Son to save us. The law says the penalty for sin is death. Someone had to die. Someone had to die though that didn’t die for His own sins. Someone had to die that had not sinned but alas, there is not one in the entire earth that was without sin. All were born with Adam’s nature. Adam allowed sin to come into the world when He disobeyed God’s commandment. God doesn’t make commandments for us to ignore and assume that He is a good God and will not carry out the penalty. What kind of law and order would we have if there was no penalty and that we could go ahead and break the laws of our land knowing we would not be held accountable for breaking them? There is a penalty and that is why we are careful not to go over the speed limit, pay our taxes, and abide by the law. We know there is a penalty if we do not. There is a penalty for disobeying the law of God and that is death and eternal separation from God. So why are we separated from God? Because sin separates us from God. God and sin cannot mix. So how do we reverse this? How do we get rid of the sin that is separating us from a holy God? We can’t. There is no way. Only a sinless man that lives upon the earth and then dies without committing one single sin can possibly reverse the curse put upon us by the fall of Adam. If there was only one perfect sinless one, that curse can be reversed. However, there was never one man that could ever do that. So then God had to become a man and do it for us. God became flesh and dwell among us. God sent His Son which was the same as sending Himself. Jesus was with God and was God from the beginning. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all God that has existed eternally with no beginning and no end. This perfect Son of God came into human flesh and became the man that could live until adulthood and die without once committing a sin.
Since the penalty for sin is death, when Jesus died, He died not deserving to die because He had no sin. That way all who simply believe in Him, can have the curse of eternal death removed from them and they can be “Born Again” by the spirit of God. When Nicodemus asked Jesus how can a man when he is old re-enter his mother's womb and be born again Jesus told him in John 3: 5-7 that he must be born of water and the spirit to enter God's kingdom, and to marvel not when he said Ye must be born again. We have to be born by the Holy Spirit to be saved from sin and enter eternal life. It is something that is done by the Spirit of God. We cannot do this by being baptized in water, doing good deeds, partaking of sacraments, going to church, joining the church, or any other earthly thing we can think of. Being saved from sin is only something that God can do. The Spirit of God comes into our lives and we become children of God. He has to do it. We have to allow it, we have to believe it but He has to do the saving. The Spirit of God comes into our lives and we are changed from death unto life. Christ comes into us by the power of the Holy Spirit. I’m not talking here of the baptism of the Holy Spirit that gives us power for service along with the gifts of the Spirit but the baptism of the spirit that makes us part of the body of Christ and causes us to have eternal life. We receive the Holy Spirit when we come to Christ and He cleanses us from sin, there is no doubt about that because without the Spirit of God we do not belong to Him. Some receive these things all at once like we see in Acts chapter 10 but some of us receive the full baptism of the Holy Spirit later. Whichever way it happens though, all who receive Jesus Christ, receive a measure of the Holy Spirit. Awesome to think about. When we read the book of Acts we see that many times the followers of Jesus receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit and joy when they gather together and pray. This is continual. This salvation is for men, children and women: God doesn’t leave out women or children . Children:
Lets turn to John chapter 4 for the women.
Jesus took the time out of His busy schedule to see this one woman. I believe He send His disciples to town on purpose so that He could save this one lone woman. Of course we know that this woman in turn quickly went to the men in town and shared what she had learned to the men, but I believe God would have saved this one, even if no one else had believed. From Nicodemus we learned of the New birth, now we hear the same salvation called the living water. Remember Jesus said we must be born of water and of the spirit. The living water is another name for being born again of the spirit. It takes the Spirit of God entering into our lives to make us right with God. First of all the blood of Jesus has to cover our sins and then the Holy Spirit brings us the new birth. In the Old Testament it says without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Abel gave his sacrifice in faith with a heart that believed and trusted in God. He may have been seeking the salvation that would come later by the one we now know as Jesus who died for our sins. His sacrifice though was accepted by the Lord. Perhaps he knew that when He offered his sacrifice it pointed to the one to come that would die for sins. All Old Testament sacrifices pointed to the one that was to come to die for sins and make the way for us to be cleansed from sin. How much they knew, we don't know but for some reason Cain's offering was rejected by God because it was not of faith according to what was recorded about this in the book of Hebrews. Remember Jesus didn’t come to save us in our sins but He came to save us from our sins. Why would He die such a horrible death and shed His blood just so we can claim salvation and return to the sin He saves us from? He saves us from sin and then covers us with His righteousness, giving us the living water of the Holy Spirit and we are born again by the same spirit so that we become new creatures in Christ Jesus. Sin is bondage, slavery, and misery. He came to get us out of the stuff that is separating us from God. Saving faith gets us out of sin and reunites us with God the Father. Remember sin is separating us from God. Jesus came to redeem us back to God and take away our sin. Now we become His workmanship. Now we are a new creation made for good works. We don’t do good works to be saved, we do good works because we are saved.
We cannot confess Jesus with our mouth and not believe in our hearts to be saved. We can’t believe in our hearts and not confess with our mouths and be saved. To believe in Jesus means to believe that He died for our sins, believe that He rose from the dead and believe His words whether the words are "Love thy Neighbor as thyself" or Go and sin no more." To believe in something means to partake of, to become part of, to accept.
How good is the message of salvation. In fact there is no message greater than this one.
So why am I preaching the gospel this morning? Because we tend to forget the basics. We tend to forget the simple message of the gospel that saves the soul from eternal death. We need to be constantly reminded of the price that was paid for our salvation and the seriousness it is not to depart from this way of eternal life. We need to be reminded of these things just in case someone should ask us what must they do to be saved. What would we answer them? It wouldn’t hurt us to read and study
the words about salvation so that in case someone asks us, we can
point them to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dorna J Chambers Message Given March 29, 2009 |
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