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Meaning and Examples of RepentanceDifferent Meanings of Repentance
One can change their minds and still not repent. You can also be sorry for your sin but still continue to sin. Real repentance is being so sorry that you do not do it again or at least are determined to give it up completely. That is godly sorrow that leads to true repentance. Those that have GPS. Every time we do not follow the directions and get off track, it re-calculates to send us back on the right track. That is what studying the bible with the right motive does for us. Sends us in the right direction back into fellowship with God. If we study the bible to find fault, to find a loop hole so we can continue to do something that could be a sin we don't want to give up, we will not usually get understanding and turn in the right direction. Yet all things are possible with God. I have heard of conversions to Christ that have come about by someone reading the bible to disprove it. Another person found the Lord by reading the bible to prove something to someone he was arguing with. So in all things God reaches even the ones that seem to be unreachable. The Holy Spirit is the one that draws people to the Lord for salvation. So in our study of repentance, we must remember who really knows what all these things mean and has perfect truth if we seek Him for understanding. We still can turn over a new leaf, change our minds, do good deeds instead of evil but not be saved. So to be truly saved, we repent and believe the gospel which is salvation by faith in Jesus. Jesus is our Christ, the Son of God who died to save us from sin. To learn more we will turn to the scriptures. The Holy Spirit and the written word is a powerful combination.
This verse was written before the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus which shows us that repentance is taught in both the Old Testament and the New one. It was written to the nation of Israel in the days of Solomon warning them about the judgment of God if they fell into sin and wickedness. However God tells them that if they call on His name, humble themselves, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways, He will forgive their sin and heal their land. This is an example of true repentance. Changing their minds and to be sorry for their sin to the point of turning away from sin. So this is verse is for Israel we do know that for sure, but does it apply to us today? Does it apply to those of us that are not of the nation of Israel? I would say yes, because it says, "If My people which are called by My name." That would include those that have received Jesus, the one God sent to save people of all nations from sin and reconcile those that are lost back to the Father in Heaven. Faith in Christ makes us "His People" too. Jesus is the way back to God if we have backslidden as individuals or as a nation. Repentance is necessarily for someone that is not saved or has never received Jesus into their lives but it is also for those that have known Jesus but has fallen back into sin.
We must never gloss over these scriptures and ignore what they say. ABIDE IN CHRIST. Receive Christ and be forgiven, then continue and abide in Christ.
So we see repentance is for believers in God and in Jesus Christ but as we study the book of Acts, and some of the writings of Jesus, we will see repentance is for those that are coming to Jesus for salvation that never knew Him before. The following verse in Exodus shows a different kind of repentance.
In Exodus we see another type of repentance that really is not to obtain salvation. This use of the word repent is to re think or change the mind also but toward the wrong way not the right. After Israel left Egypt, God led them through the wilderness instead of through the land of the Philistines. If they saw trouble and war the might repent (change their minds about going to the promise land). They had to learn to trust in the Lord first before facing a war with enemies. In Hosea we see a danger of losing fellowship with God, leaving His hand of protection, and going back into sin. I sometimes wonder if our sin in the United States caused the hand of protection to be absent during the 9/11 attack on the Trade towers in New York. I'm not saying for sure that it was the reason but it's something to think about. There are still people that love the Lord in this country and grieve over the widespread abortion that can be done during the whole nine months a woman carries the baby in the womb. Lately we found out little baby body parts are harvested and sold. The attitude when this was found out, was to prosecute the ones that exposed the evil instead of prosecuting the ones that did the evil. Now its gotten worse as some want to allow a baby to die if its born alive after a botched abortion. Shame shame on people that do this evil. Do we want to lose God's hand of protection? I don't care how great and powerful our armies are. If God forsakes us, we are not going to be so great.
Although God was speaking to Israel back in the days when they forsook God, sinned and went into idolatry, this can apply to us if we turn away from God and return to sin. This is scary. Sin will cause God to withdraw from us if we continue in it and refuse to acknowledge His word and repent. To undo the damage we must acknowledge our offense, confess our sins, and realize we need to seek God's presence. All through the bible, repentance is the key to restoring fellowship with God. From Genesis to Revelation's letters to the churches, we see this. Here is repentance:
Oh Lord my God your Word is beautiful. Verse 2 in Hosea 6 written years before the first coming of Jesus, gives us a preview of our Lord Jesus Christ and how our salvation was to be accomplished by His first coming to die for our sins and raise again from the dead on the third day which would provide for our eternal life. I see too another gem in the word of God. "If we follow on to know the Lord." Continue in. Abide in. Never stop. Now we will go to the New Testament scriptures to see how repentance is connected to our salvation. After 400 years of silence between the Old Testament period and the New Testament period after the birth of Christ, the first words we hear preached to the crowds is Repent. John the Baptist preached repentance first. The first words after God sent an angel to announce the birth of Christ and John the Baptist, are about repentance. So we see how important it is to repent and understand what that means
Then we see Jesus saying the same thing
Repentance in the parables: The first passage is in Luke 15: 18-32. The story of the Prodigal son.
In verse 21 of Luke 15 we see an example of true repentance. The wayward son had a change of mind, was truly sorry for sin and sought forgiveness. This is not a repentance for eternal salvation but the act of repentance is similar. We need this mindset when we seek Jesus for forgiveness of sin and receive His salvation. We also see the heart of God when we see the heart of the father when he saw his son return home. God does not want any of us to perish and be lost. In Luke 18:10 we get closer to an example of repentance in connection to our eternal life or what we call being born again, saved from sin.
This one is a great example of being saved by grace not by works. Doing good deeds, paying tithes or even living a life that is good, a life that is not committing crimes or doing evil yet, it is not going to automatically bring salvation and eternal life to anyone. Being a good person apart from Christ will not save the soul from sin. We need Jesus, we must be born again. Genuine repentance accompanies true salvation. We change our minds. We stop going our own way or the way of the world and we turn and receive Jesus into our lives. If our lives continue on with no change, we really haven't repented. We won't be perfect overnight, we learn as we grow, but real repentance will bring forth fruit. As we keep seeking the Lord in prayer and in studying His word, we lose our desire to sin as we stay in fellowship with Jesus our Christ. In the above story in Luke 18, the one the Lord said was justified was the one that was humble and asked for mercy. So we see also that true repentance is humbling ourselves, recognizing that we have sinned and asked for God's mercy. The Prodigal Son story in chapter 15 of Luke also shows one that admits he sinned and was sorry. The Woman Taken in Adultery. An example of conviction of sin in the accusers of the woman and also forgiveness for the woman that had been accused.
The woman received salvation without verbally repenting but Jesus must have seen something in her heart that meant the same thing. He did warn her not to sin anymore so we do see that when God forgives us for sin, we are not to continue in it. Another proof that genuine repentance that leads to salvation involves the desire to stop sinning. The Pharisees and scribes which brought the woman to Jesus were convicted at His words but there is no real repentance, at least none recorded in scripture. One of the best examples of true repentance is in Matthew chapter 21:
The second son mentioned in the Matthew 21st parable is similar to the scribes and Pharisees that claim to do God's word. They say they will do it but they didn't believe when God the Son was standing right before in person. The first son is similar to sinners who ignore God and live the way they want to but later have a change of heart and mind. They repent and start living for God. This is not encouraging us to go and have a season of sin first then start living for God because we could die before we have a chance to receive salvation. As soon as we hear, we better repent then and there. It does show us though an example of true versus false repentance. The Thief on the Cross
Here is a story of real repentance. The second thief acknowledged his sin, was sorry for sin, believed who Jesus was, had a change of mind. He was saved. Repentance Part 2 The conversion of Paul the apostle
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